Blooms are small but their sheer numbers create an absolute froth of flowers. I've always found light yellow to be one of the most appealing garden colors and 'Hawera' provides it in abundance.
We've been glorying in the mid fifties (62 today) that have been lulling us into thinking spring has finally arrived. Was it really only last Friday that -12 degrees greeted us in the morning? It already seems long ago but the specter of cold is never too far and winter is sure to drop a few more snow flurries and sleet storms, even a nor'easter, before we leave winter behind. We can't help but luxuriate in the current warmth and feel unencumbered but naked without our hats and mittens.
Not much to report but I did hear a Red-winged Blackbird this morning, a sure sign of spring in these parts. Here are a few pictures that will always remind me of spring no matter where I'm living. Like in my March Header post, all of these daffodils were grown in nursery containers.
Absolutely huge double flowers that command attention. I'm not loving some of the newest double varieties wherein the trumpet is mult-petaled and prefer ones with multiple perianths like 'Manly'. Also in the picture is 'Bridal Crown', an older variety with double flowers. I won't be growing 'Bridal Crown' again as the petals never fully unfurled and the color was dull, dirty, and indistinct.
Late flowering, pristine white, always 2 or more flowers per stem, and hardy in zones 4-9 are why this variety is my favorite of all daffodils.
1 Comment:
I love all of these but especially the Narcissus 'Manly'. Maybe I'll try them next year. We still have plenty of snow here but I'm amazed at how much has melted in the last week. I'm hoping the nor'easter this weekend doesn't bring us any more.
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